Does Hertz Charge For Additional Drivers
Please do your OWN research on additional driver fees before renting a car.] Rental car companies such as Budget, Avis & Enterprise allow you to add a spouse or domestic partner for free when you rent in the US. Other rental car companies such as Thrifty, Dollar, National, Hertz and Alamo charge you to. I already booked a rental car for later in the summer with Hertz in ATL. The phone operator said if my husband puts the car in his name, it will cost extra because he is over 65. I know rentals charge more for an extra person, but I can not find any info on how much it would cost because of being over 65. NEED TO ADD ADDITIONAL DRIVERS TO YOUR CAR RENTAL? WE GOT YOU COVERED. Whether you're embarking on a lengthy journey, or just want to take turns driving, Hertz gives you the option to add additional drivers to your rental. So grab a friend, relax and enjoy the ride. You can now add as many drivers as there are seats in your rental car.
When you step up to a rental car counter, do you automatically anticipate an adversarial relationship with the agent? Lots of us do, and with some good reason: The fear that the agent will try to get us to pay for something we don't need — or gouge us for something we do need — is real and rental car companies can employ tricks for those purposes. You can avoid some of these with careful planning, but others you can't.
They push 'insurance' you don't need
The biggest point of contention, almost everywhere, is the collision- or loss-damage-waiver (CDW/LDW). Legally it really isn't insurance, but most consumers and many rental car agents call it 'insurance' anyhow. And at somewhere around $30 a day, it can as much as double the cost of a rental.
Just how much is that cost inflated over the company's actual financial risk? A few years back, one company told travel agents they could offer customers the unbeatable rate of $0 a day, provided the customer bought the insurance. Rental car companies repeatedly deny instructing agents to use hard-sell techniques to sell insurance; 'deep throat' former agents report that compensation and advancement are often tied directly to insurance sales.
You definitely do need collision/loss coverage on a rented car, but you don't have to buy it at the rental company's inflated rates. You have three options: 1. Your own auto insurance may cover you, at least in the U.S.; 2. many credit cards provide no-charge secondary coverage; and 3. you can buy primary coverage for less than $8 a day from Insure My Rental Car and Protect your Bubble. Big OTAs also offer damage coverage for $10 a day or so.
The rental companies' CDW/LDW has one big advantage: If you damage a car, you can return it and walk away with no further responsibility. With other insurance, you may have to pay up front and make claims later. But that freedom from responsibility comes at a high price to you — and a fat profit to the rental company.
They pile on damage 'costs'
Rental companies don't like it when you use your 'free' credit card coverage, so they keep escalating new cost elements they hope your card won't cover so you'll have to buy their overpriced stuff anyhow. In addition to the actual costs of repair — often inflated beyond what a normal person would pay — you typically encounter these extras:
• 'Loss of use' charges — the list-price daily rental rate for every day the car is out of service — even when the rental company has lots of cars available at the time, and even if the actual rental rate is a lot less than the list-price daily rate.
• 'Administrative' fee for processing the paperwork.
• Towing, storage and other associated expenses of retrieving a damaged car.
• 'Loss of value,' the amount they claim is the reduced resale value caused by the damage, even when repaired.
So far, the credit cards and third-party insurers seem to be keeping up with these escalating costs. But that doesn't stop the rental companies from searching out other ways to bypass less expensive forms of insurance.
They overbook with impunity
Rental car companies overbook for the same reasons airlines and hotels do: to compensate for no-shows and to offset drivers who return cars early. Presumably, they rely on historical experience to overbook to a 'safe' level that minimizes being unable to provide a car to a customer with a reservation.
But a 'safe' level for a rental car company is a lot different than a 'safe' level for an airline. When an airline bumps a traveler due to overbooking, the traveler has the recourse of federally mandated cash compensation. And to offset that cash compensation, airlines satisfy about 90% of their overbooked customers by offering big-dollar travel voucher incentives to travelers willing to 'volunteer' for a later flight. As a result, airlines are pretty adept at keeping overbooking levels low enough to avoid serious financial exposure.

Travelers who rent cars, on the other hand, have no such mandatory compensation: The only effective ceiling on overbooking by rental companies is how many dissatisfied customers they will tolerate. And that, apparently, is a large number.
When a rental company can't accommodate you with a firm reservation, its first move is to offer an 'upgrade' to a more expensive model for an extra fee if the agent thinks he or she can get it, or for 'free' if you're a savvy customer. An agent may even try to find an available car from a different rental company but probably will not offer to pay for it. And when cars are scarce, the best offer you get may be 'hang around the airport for a few hours and we'll give you a car when someone returns it' or 'go to your hotel and we'll have a car for you tomorrow.'
Hertz Free Additional Driver Coupon
Consumers really can't do much about this, except to try to avoid arriving at an airport late in the evening in need of a car.
They squeeze you on fuel charges
Most rentals are on a 'get it full, return it full' fuel policy. If you return a car with less than a full tank, the rental company refuels it and adds it to your bill — with a per-gallon charge that can be double or triple the going rate. And because gas gauges are so imprecise, the rental company will take the car to a pump and top it off immediately, which may take enough to charge you. Also, even when you return a car full, an agent may ask for a receipt for a fill-up from a nearby station. A receipt is critical if you rent from Avis, Hertz or any other company that charges a flat $13.99 for any rental of less than 75 miles if you can't prove you refilled the tank. That's not a bad price if you actually drive 75 miles, but if you drive only 20 miles in a fuel-efficient car, that's a huge overcharge.
The other main fuel option is to buy a full tank when you start the rental, typically charged at near the going local price, then return the car as close to empty as you can. The 'gotcha' in this case, obviously, is that it's difficult to drive so precisely that you leave only a cupful of gas in the tank when you return the car. Anything left in the tank is effectively a donation to the rental company, which is likely not your favorite charity.
Overall, the 'buy it full, return it full' approach remains the best strategy. But be sure you get that receipt.
They charge for something that costs nothing
One of the most annoying rental car fees is a daily charge for an additional driver. That charge is up to $13 a day in much of the U.S., sometimes with a cap, and it's irksome because you know that having someone else spell you during a long drive costs the rental company absolutely nothing.
Fortunately, you can often avoid the charge. Some rental companies exclude the charge for spouses, domestic partners or business associates when on a corporate rental. Even when a company normally doesn't waive the charge, membership in the rental company's loyalty program or renting through an association such as AAA or AARP often comes with a waiver.
They play games with discounts
Rental companies are notorious for posting artificially high 'list' prices, then offering big 'discounts' to members of AAA, AARP and lots of other organizations. In reality, those big discounts usually apply selectively to the very high daily rates; discounts on weekly rates tend to be much lower. Just don't obsess about getting the 'best' rate: If it looks good, take it.
They charge more for driving less
Rent a car for a week, pay $289 including tax. Rent a car for four days, pay $333. Rent a car for a week but turn it in three days early, pay $333. You have to keep it at least five days to get the weekly rental rate. Go figure.
They add puzzling fees
Rent a car for one day at Boston's Logan Airport, and here's the itemized bill: Base rate: $67. Airport concession fee: $8. Customer facility charge: $6. Convention center surcharge and parking fine recovery: $11. Vehicle licensing cost recovery and excise tax reimbursement: $4. Energy surcharge: $1. Taxes: $5. Total cost: $102. That's $35 more than the base rate.
Of those itemized add-ons, only the convention center fee and the taxes are paid out as such to governmental agencies. The other fees are all really a part of doing business at the airport and should be included in the base rate. You find similar charges, with varying names and rates, at most other rental locations.
Fortunately, the online search systems, including the rental companies' own websites, all post the full cost on the initial screen, so the misrepresentation doesn't really hurt most consumers. This situation is much better than the prevalent case with hotels, where mandatory fees are not included in the initial displays. But you have to wonder why rental companies play with pricing this way: It neither fools nor helps anyone.
They include weak liability insurance
Adequate liability protection is far more important than even collision damage protection, because if you hurt someone else, a big damage award could wipe out your entire net worth and then some. For rentals in the U.S., base rates typically include only the mandatory minimum liability coverage in the state where you rent, and those state limits can be as low as 10/20/10 in Florida, 15/30/5 in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and 12.5/25/7.5 in Ohio (the three numbers, in thousands of dollars, refer to the maximum coverage for bodily injury per person, maximum coverage for bodily injury per accident, and total coverage per accident for property damage). Even the best state requirements top out at 50/100/55 in Wisconsin.
These figures are woefully low in today's litigious society, and you surely need more protection. You have several options: Your own auto insurance may cover you, a big-dollar umbrella policy covers you, and some association rental deals, such as the AARP deal with Avis/Budget, includes 25/50/10. Credit cards, on the other hand, typically do not include liability protection. So if you don't have a better deal, you almost have to go with the rental company's insurance.
Mandatory liability coverage in Europe is much higher than in most U.S. states. And damage awards are usually lower. So the insurance included in the base rate is usually sufficient.
They hide maximum age limits
This one for our senior readers: Some rental companies in some locations impose maximum age limits, starting at 70 years. That's bad enough, but what's worse is that those limits may not show up anywhere during the rental process — even when the website asks you to input your age. The result is that you don't find out about the problem until you arrive at the rental counter and the agent says, 'sorry, but you're too old.' Yes, you can often go to a nearby counter and rent from some other company, but you'll probably be stuck with a much higher rate.
This problem appears to be most severe in Europe, but you may face it in other areas as well. No matter where you're renting, if you're 70 or over, double check your eligibility before you commit to any rental.
READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE:10 dirty secrets of car rental companies
(Photo: three credit cards image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from )
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Renting a car can lead to some unpleasant surprises once you receive the final invoice. Concession fees, gas and going over the mileage limit can all add hefty fees to the bill. Avoid these costly extras by filling the gas tank yourself, reading the terms and renting away from an airport whenever possible.
Buy Gas at a Gas Station
Rental car companies expect you to return the vehicle with gas in the tank. If the tank was half full when you rented the car, it should have a half tank when you return it, if you want to avoid paying extra fees or the shortage. In some cases, the fee may come close to the price of an extra day of car rental.
The rental clerk may also ask if you wish to pre-pay for a tank of gas. This can be a deal if you plan to return the vehicle with an empty tank, knowing ahead of time that your schedule is too hectic to top off the gas on your own. Be aware though, that it's not easy to plan your trip so precisely that you return the tank empty without the possibility that you will run out of gas yourself.
To save the most money and eliminate add-on fees, top off the tank at a nearby gas station before returning the vehicle. Save that receipt, though; some car-rental companies expect you to turn it in when you return the car to avoid paying an extra fuel surcharge.
Read the Fine Print
Even when you've found a stellar deal on a car rental, that deal can drain funds in a hurry if you aren't careful. Some rental car companies place limits on daily travel, charging extra if the odometer shows you've gone beyond the mileage limit or outside of a neighboring state during your rental period. Read the terms of the agreement before signing up for the rental package online, or ask a clerk for clarification when at the rental counter.
Inspect the Car Before Driving
When renting a car, both you and the rental agent will look it over, checking for damage. Pay close attention and point out every nick, ding, dent and scratch so these can be noted on the rental agreement. Otherwise, you could wind up paying for damage that happened before you rented the car. Many car companies don't pay much attention to tiny dents or dings, but it's best to point those out anyway.
Supply Your Own Extras
Rental car agents don't just rent vehicles; they'll gladly rent GPS units, infant car seats or extra insurance, too. While these may make a trip more convenient, these extras aren't free. Use your own smartphone or GPS device for mapping. Your car insurance probably covers rented cars as well, so you won't need to spring for extra insurance. Check your policy before renting a car.
Rent from a Non-Airport Location
Airport car-rental locations notoriously charge more for rentals than some nearby rental offices, even within the same rental company. The added convenience may be worth paying an extra dollar or two per day base-price for the vehicle, but when the bill arrives, it's often much higher. The reason: airport car-rental locations pay extra taxes and concession fees to the airport itself. Concession fees are most common at airport car-rental locations, although they may also be found at rental offices at train stations or hotels. In some cases, a concession fee may be charged even if the rental location isn't even directly at the airport or train station. To avoid the fees, click through your rental options to see the final total when booking online, scanning for added fees before agreeing to the rental. Otherwise, ask the clerk at the rental desk about any concessions or surcharges that apply to that specific rental location, or ask the clerk about a nearby location that doesn't charge a fee. Sometimes, a quick Uber or Lyft ride to a different nearby rental office is worth the added savings.
About the Author
Kathy Adams is an award-winning journalist and freelance writer who traveled the world handling numerous duties for music artists. She writes travel and budgeting tips and destination guides for USA Today, Travelocity and ForRent, among others. She enjoys exploring foreign locales and hiking off the beaten path stateside, snapping pics of wildlife and nature instead of selfies.
Leaf Group is a USA TODAY content partner providing general travel information. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.
Photo Credits
- three credit cards image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from